Shamanic Archetypes

The Shamanic Archetypes are Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Condor/Eagle, Huascar, Quetzalcoatl, and Pachakuti. When we learn to speak with and have relationships with the archetypes they can become our friends and powerful allies.

Serpent helps heal the physical body and helps us as we move through the medicine wheel in the south. 

Jaguar helps heal the emotional body and helps us as we move through the medicine wheel in the west.

Hummingbird helps heal the spirit body and helps us as we move through the medicine wheel in the north.

Condor/Eagle helps heal the mental body and helps us as we move through the medicine wheel in the east.

Huascar helps heal our unconscious world of shadow and helps us to channel all aspects of our being.

Quetzalcoatl helps heal our conscious world and brings harmony to our everyday life.

Pachakuti helps heal our super-conscious world and helps us connect to the magic of spirit to transform our lives in unimagined ways.